Stylein dress soon to be available at Christing C., Jeffrey Campbell boots, H&M hat.
Being busy is probably one of the worst things that could ever happen to me, or at least I thought. I am by definition lazy. You will meet few people lazier than myself. I can spend days doing nothing, lying in bed, reading magazines, and just watching tv. The boy finds it hilarious that the minute I’m bored I can cause a self induced slumber without a second thought. The fast paced attitude of Hong Kong and I guess starting a business has left me with little time to indulge my idle ways, and I’m sure it is good for me to keep busy, but there are moments, days, weeks when I miss the old me. Wake up at 1pm. Stroll down the street in sloppy attire and gigantic sunnies to pick up my daily cappuccino and magazine of choice. Flip through t.v. channels for an hour while tweeting or facebooking. Blog. Nap. Arise at sunset to get ready for dinner and a night out. And the cycle would begin again. Sometimes you could throw in shopping, lunch date, or a vacation into the mix. Oh its such a distant memory, now I barely leave this place…but at least have a few amazing projects to reveal to you soon! xo