Uncategorized just after 12 written by ChristingC February 22, 2011 Miss Selfridge coat, Wolford socks, LF boots, H&M sweater over H&M top, Topshop shorts. We’re kinda into the whole NY brunch ritual. Unlimited mimosas, ultra rich eggs florentine, and restaurants packed to the brim. My ideal Sunday. Last day here, then back to London tomorrow!! just after 12 was last modified: February 22nd, 2011 by ChristingC Uncategorized 20 comments 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest ChristingC previous post worth the wait next post up in the air You may also like Until She Wakes… July 21, 2009 painted gold June 24, 2011 join the club April 21, 2011 slight chill December 1, 2011 perfectly lazy May 26, 2011 no exchange or refund August 12, 2011 end of the week June 12, 2011 i remember that night February 3, 2011 she divulges the bare essentials… December 2, 2009 until next time… May 15, 2010