H&M skirt, vintage Wrangler boots, scarf from market, and forgot where I got this sheer sweater.
The boy and my wedding took place during typhoon season in Hong Kong. Being the clever, forward planners we are, the decision was made to wed outdoors in the most humid, hot, and wettest month of the year. Thunderstorms and torrential rainfall surrounded us during the moments of last minute wedding planning, in the two weeks leading to our big day. My face sustained a mask of worry, while my Father (also an optimist) guaranteed a Jackie Chan speech, and a perfectly sunny wedding. My entire wedding design would have been ruined by the slightest sprinkle, and we did not even have a marquee on reserve. The first guest arrived by ferry, 5 days prior to the ceremony, and a few last drops of precipitation fell an hour before his entrance. For ten days, where we threw the longest, most party driven wedding vacation, not a drop of rain visited. We experienced better weather than I have ever witnessed in a Hong Kong June. So let’s hope my lucky streak reigns, and our our french vacation is not hindered by “heavy showers.”
I will update tomorrow from Cannes, and keep you guys posted!