The boy and I ventured to the English countryside for a relaxed barbecue at the weekend. Copious amounts of grass and idyllic scenery doesn’t generally appeal to us, especially if it lacks the involvement of departing to warmer climates, but on this sunny day the lure of friends and rose on ice held enough attraction. Little did I know the outfit I wore around town would be entirely inappropriate when immersed in a sea of bootcut jeans tucked into Ugg boots. I have a love/hate relationship with Uggs. Back in my ultra-hippie days I loved the way they appeared alongside a whimsical floral dress, now they seem messy and unflattering, reserved solely for keeping warm around the house or ski holidays. Maybe a chilly English barbecue is the right time for them…maybe never.
The pics are from Brighton before heading towards the bbq. I always forget how much I enjoy Brighton’s bohemian nature, especially in sunlight.