Uncategorized Sun Day written by ChristingC April 20, 2009 Urban Outfitters tank, Topshop skirt, Asos boots, Scarf from market in Hong Kong, Miu Miu sunglasses Me+the boy+the dog+friends+sun= best Sunday ever. We located the ideal spot to bathe in sunlight, consumed an abundance of white wine, and returned home laughing. Repeat next Sunday. Sun Day was last modified: April 20th, 2009 by ChristingC Uncategorized 19 comments 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest ChristingC previous post Saturdays next post Thanks Mom! You may also like sleep in it April 5, 2011 Discovery March 12, 2009 anticipating your arrival June 29, 2010 she waits for the ideal… November 19, 2009 XOXO February 16, 2009 i’ll have the same May 27, 2010 unenforced uniform March 15, 2011 she divulges the bare essentials… December 2, 2009 Falling Leaves August 29, 2010 Facebook October 26, 2010