Home Family Ever Diary: The first few days

Ever Diary: The first few days

written by ChristingC May 26, 2014
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The first “Ever Diary” where I’ll share everything Ever related from our hospital experience to monthly must haves and her favourite outfits.  I know everyone believes their baby is the cutest but I’ve become slightly addicted to snapping pics of our princess almost constantly.  It’s impossible not to want to capture every expression and moment so I’m sure I’ll have plenty to share…hopefully most of it interesting.

Ever’s first week was mainly spent at the hospital.  Please excuse her boyish outfit above.  Canossa required all the babies wear the same garments and obviously cater toward males.  She left in super cute pink tones to compensate for those four days in turquoise.  We had four nights in Canossa Hospital to start off our journey as parents.   I was very grateful for these four days where we had plenty of help to settle us into the daunting job of parenthood.  The nurses were all very kind and constantly available to answer my questions from breastfeeding to belly button care.   It also gave me a chance to rest at night while she was in the nursery. 
I decided early on I wanted to exclusively breastfeed so I had Ever with me all day in my room and after midnight they took her to the nursery where she had her own little bed.   They were instructed to bring her back every time she cried so I could feed her on demand.  This worked great for us and I was so excited every time I saw her little face each night.   I will do a dedicated post on breastfeeding but it was what I felt is the hardest part of pregnancy, childbirth, and the first month.  Both Ever and I took time to learn how to achieve the best latch and before my milk came in on the 2nd evening, we were constantly concerned about weight loss and jaundice.  All of this is very normal, but as a first time mother every little detail is cause for sleepless nights and fear.  Ever slept soundly most of her first week and it was hard to keep her awake to feed.   She barely cried and craved cuddles as much as we did.  Those first few days were essential for bonding, as a family.  You will actually be surprised at how little they require in the beginning.   Aside from diaper changes and attending to her hungry tummy she wanted for little else.   We held her to sleep most of the time, so she didn’t love sleeping in her moses basket but a co-sleeper did the trick.  
Products or items I couldn’t live without were my My Brest Friend breastfeeding pillow, Wink Shapewear post birth support garments, Homeoplasmine for my chapped lips, organic coconut oil for my skin and hair, Aden and Anais swaddling blankets for Ever, a large stack of Mothercare muslin cloths, sterile cotton wipes, basic cotton onesies, and an Instax Polaroid Camera.  The baby actually needs very little at the hospital except for the usual diapers and wipes.  We hadn’t started with the bottle yet, and they provide you with almost anything you would require for their first few days. 

For the mommies: Don’t pack cute pjs. Go for comfort and something that’s easy access for breastfeeding.  You will look scary at first.  I was shocked by my appearance in the mirror.  The tired eyes and sallow skin will go and showers go a long way in getting you there.  You’ve been through a lot and it took me two weeks to start feeling like me again.  Eat light and try to rest as much as possible.  Drink plenty of liquids and as many hugs and kisses as possible.  You deserve it. 

I’ll post about Ever’s first month soon with all our current newborn essentials.
Until next time..

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