Uncategorized daily written by ChristingC February 9, 2011 Zara jacket, H&M tee, Topshop shorts and boots. Momentarily obsessing with casual looks and bare legs. Also addicted to black coffee, Japanese food for every meal, digging through random Chinese markets, and spending as much time as possible outdoors. More later! daily was last modified: February 9th, 2011 by ChristingC Uncategorized 11 comments 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest ChristingC previous post lets take it from the start next post 23rd Floor You may also like R&R April 24, 2009 she contemplates why the method was ever... September 29, 2009 Christing C. August 7, 2011 Night Owl June 28, 2009 not too far to reach April 7, 2012 To Ugg or not to Ugg March 23, 2009 i would rather be with you May 23, 2010 Booth Bitch April 4, 2009 she hopes to recover from the harm... September 17, 2009 unenforced uniform March 15, 2011