Uncategorized dreaming in a far off land written by ChristingC July 23, 2010 mostly tumblr current inspirations. slept in hair, barely there wisps of white silk, hardy coarse outerwear, random dashes of fur, and faraway secluded destinations. dreaming in a far off land was last modified: July 23rd, 2010 by ChristingC Uncategorized 6 comments 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest ChristingC previous post searching for a way to fast forward next post Darcy You may also like Forever 21 x Fashion Hedonism May 4, 2012 she has waited all year… December 1, 2009 Phuket Travel Diary: Royal Phuket Marina December 29, 2014 she has always set her future on... September 8, 2009 forced to go April 4, 2011 sunday moves March 31, 2013 box it up March 23, 2010 hours of amusement September 10, 2011 ill be here March 2, 2012 Best of Italy March 1, 2010