Uncategorized one for each day written by ChristingC April 13, 2010 (Jalouse, 10th Muse, Fashion Lane) I keep several images rotating on my desktop as a source of instant inspiration. They change every few weeks, but these are the current fixations. one for each day was last modified: April 13th, 2010 by ChristingC Uncategorized 8 comments 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest ChristingC previous post burn the matching uniforms next post just a note You may also like Nature Walk February 22, 2010 silent thoughts September 4, 2011 she started with a slow begininng… December 22, 2009 she contemplates why the method was ever... September 29, 2009 something to keep October 29, 2010 Blackbook May 5, 2010 just before you wake March 8, 2011 it just walks in, where it left... July 9, 2011 Rock Crush January 21, 2009 prost! March 26, 2010