Style current inspiration written by ChristingC August 23, 2013 Friday is finally here. It’s rainy and I’ve spent most of the day working from my bed, lounging in pjs, and contemplating if venturing out to satisfy my rumbling stomach is worth the effort. xx Bloglovin / Twitter / Facebook / Tumblr /Weibo current inspiration was last modified: April 5th, 2015 by ChristingC fashion inspirationinspiration 0 comment 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest ChristingC previous post summer with fashion hedonism: fiol prosecco next post line them up You may also like Melissa Odabash in Bali April 21, 2015 let the wind take away the blues January 3, 2015 run away with me November 18, 2013 A Touch of Taipei December 5, 2015 Mondayitis November 25, 2013 Vogue’s Fashion’s Night Out Hong Kong September 7, 2013 drowsy musings April 3, 2013 steady beat May 17, 2014 sleepy head July 17, 2013 one part me, one part you March 14, 2014