My mood is getting lazier by day. The last month of pregnancy is in full swing and all I crave are naps and chocolate. It’s extremely tempting to sleep all day, and I usually give in to the unproductive urge. It’s one of those life moments when you convince yourself you deserve all the indulgences you are allowed, and I am very lucky the boy spends most of his days trying to meet these indulgences. Outfits are becoming repetitive, and I’m thankful for my little collection of flowy dresses that are carrying through these precarious few weeks. Today felt like Spring and just in time. Hopefully the baby will arrive on a beautiful sunny day and love blue skies and fresh flowers just like I do.
How far along?
33 weeks
Maternity Clothes?
None. Rotating the same few dresses and loving my Topshop maternity leggings.
Stretch Marks?
still none 🙂
I am falling asleep very late and waking early but I take a three hour nap daily. Naps are becoming my favourite part of the day.
Best moment of this week?
Receiving the moses basket my Mom ordered for us from Little Merry Fellows. Organic and has the softest sheets in the world. I wish they made the sheets for adult size beds. Can’t wait for her to sleep in it.
Worst moment this week?
Feeling more swollen and tired than usual. I’ve found pregnancy extremely easy until this final month. I get worn out a lot more easily which causes a few extra tantrums.
Miss anything?
My pre-pregnancy things
Food Cravings?
Eating normally this week with a few cupcake and cake indulgences each day. I am craving fruit now that it’s getting warmer.
Anything making you feel sick or queasy?
Nothing. Only when I eat too much in one sitting. Little and often works better.
Swollen legs. Water retention.
Belly button in or out?
Still very in!
Happy or Moody?
Up and down. Mainly happy until I”m tired. Then I’m grumpy.
Looking forward to?
Our next ultrasound and finishing up all the preparations for her arrival.