Uncategorized RAFW: Day 1 written by ChristingC May 2, 2011 Outfit from day one of Rosemount Australian Fashion Week. We arrived at 6am without a wink of sleep and haven’t stopped since. More to come tomorrow! Stay tuned for pics from shows, parties, and everything in between. xx My Tumblr! RAFW: Day 1 was last modified: May 2nd, 2011 by ChristingC Uncategorized 11 comments 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest ChristingC previous post on a jet plane next post Violet Haze You may also like The Perfect Kiss November 20, 2009 unedited mess May 16, 2011 yin and yang December 22, 2010 i screamed the words until my heart... May 3, 2010 the passage to happiness is alight with... April 7, 2010 Bali Travel Diary: Double Six Luxury Hotel November 17, 2014 autumn bloom October 23, 2010 dreaming in a far off land July 23, 2010 Strip Ministry of Waxing, Hong Kong October 12, 2014 something to keep October 29, 2010