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don’t bet on it

written by ChristingC February 4, 2011
Topshop dress, Jeffrey Campbell boots, Rolex watch.
The boy and I have discovered Chinese New Year is just a long week of drinking, eating, and gambling.  Every evening is a string of large gatherings and and even the most unexpected partygoers are up for a late night.  We have learned to wrap dumplings and play a million and one games that cause your bank account to suffer.  My family go pretty full force on the gambling front and the tables of cards, majong, and dice go from grandparents to the just learning to play children.  So tonight we’re going onto round three and my brother has decided to add beer pong to the list of activities.  Luckily our wallets wont be any lighter from that endeavour.  Wish me luck šŸ˜‰


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