Uncategorized close to empty written by ChristingC February 5, 2011 Kate Moss for Topshop shorts, Topshop blazer, AA tank, Georg Jensen pendant, Jessica Simpson shoes. I am too tired to write anything today. Another night, another party… soon this week will cease and I will have time to sleep. Happy Saturday!! close to empty was last modified: February 5th, 2011 by ChristingC Uncategorized 20 comments 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest ChristingC previous post don’t bet on it next post counting steps You may also like blinding moments September 22, 2010 Back in Action July 23, 2009 searching for your answer September 7, 2011 she edited down to one single light… January 3, 2010 and we’re back March 6, 2011 unlimited March 25, 2012 she seeks the embrace of a familiar... August 9, 2009 Pregnancy Diary: 36 Weeks April 8, 2014 searching for a way to fast forward July 21, 2010 1440 minutes January 11, 2011