Uncategorized reality is a lovely place but i wouldnt want to live there written by ChristingC June 17, 2011 Forever 21 skirt, random top from Hong Kong boutique, Mango boots, and H&M bangles. It’s been one long day, but I’m finally sitting down to dinner with my boys and we plan on having one big Friday night 😉 Check out my Tumblr! reality is a lovely place but i wouldnt want to live there was last modified: June 17th, 2011 by ChristingC Uncategorized 11 comments 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest ChristingC previous post youtopia next post i can hardly speak You may also like she’s here May 22, 2014 the route to happiness April 24, 2011 in the mood to be lonely June 25, 2011 Room for One June 18, 2009 just another outfit September 6, 2011 i would rather be with you May 23, 2010 perfectly lazy May 26, 2011 painted gold June 24, 2011 shimmers of a forgotten dream June 7, 2011 just trying to find another way January 31, 2012