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Private kitchens are a dining concept that is taking over Hong Kong’s social gatherings.  Due to minature kitchens, shoebox apartments, and everyone’s obsession with eating out, private kitchen dining is Hong Kong’s answer to the housewife’s dinner party.  They come in all sizes, cuisines, levels of intimacy, and can be as dressy or casual as ever.  Last night the boy and I were invited to sample the fancy, elegant version of this eating style and were pleasantly surprised.  I am not one for the causual, I’m dining in some stranger’s living room type restaurant, so Casa is definitely the private kitchen for me.  Intimate, delicious, chic, and stylish.  The portions were reasonable enough that a bodycon dress wouldn’t be out of the question, and I am always partial to a seafood heavy menu.  

If you are interested in food pictures and reviews, stay tuned for the boy’s take on the experience, which will be featured on Hungry Hong Kong and The Wanderlister later this week!

April 18, 2012 0 comment
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