Uncategorized perfect companion written by ChristingC November 21, 2010 (studded hearts, fashion gone rogue) I need this…perfect for the upcoming season of ski holidays and snowy weekends away. perfect companion was last modified: November 21st, 2010 by ChristingC Uncategorized 17 comments 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest ChristingC previous post not long to wait next post crushed You may also like she ponders beneath shimmering lights… October 30, 2009 she plans a speedy return… October 2, 2009 relaxing through the chill September 27, 2010 down to the last string July 16, 2010 she opened with good intentions… December 9, 2009 a little treat October 29, 2011 something to keep October 29, 2010 she needs her rest… October 26, 2009 almost there July 27, 2011 one last time March 3, 2011