Uncategorized Spring Breeze written by ChristingC March 21, 2010 (ilovewildfox blog) Spring is just around the corner, and these layered looks are the perfect transition while London remains its chilly self. Spring Breeze was last modified: March 21st, 2010 by ChristingC Uncategorized 9 comments 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest ChristingC previous post friendship with a side of tequila next post perfect imperfection You may also like forgotten consequences August 6, 2010 collecting fallen thoughts September 15, 2010 friendship with a side of tequila March 20, 2010 an unforgotten road August 13, 2012 teach them well and let them lead... October 20, 2014 sprinting towards go July 24, 2010 she has started the countdown… November 13, 2009 last chance October 4, 2013 her heart belongs with a softer hue… January 12, 2010 fireplaces and layers December 3, 2010