top to bottom: St Germain Short by C. by Christing C., Excelsior Hotel Sunday Brunch, C. by Christing C. Pop Up at The9thMuse, fresh seafood at W Hong Kong’s Sunday Brunch, Sunday Sessions at WET W Hong Kong, C. by Christing C. Taipei Shorts in Silver, girls dinner at Fatty Crab HK with Cindiddy, St Germain Short by C. by Christing C.
Life has been a but hectic these past two weeks and I felt myself getting overwhelmed more than a few times. I almost forgot the luxury of waking without an alarm and lounging in bed until far past noon. An absence of to-do lists would probably ease my anxiety, but I guess with idleness you miss out on that sense of accomplishment. Either way I’m happy I had time to catch up with you guys today.