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One for One

One for One

written by ChristingC
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I’m wearing Versace leather jacket, Stolen Girlfriends Club Zip Tank Dress on sale at Christing C.  And sparkly Toms available at Lane Crawford.

Lane Crawford’s newest addition is the inspiring and charitable shoe brand, Toms.  Last night, Toms founder Blake Mycoskie hosted the official Hong Kong launch at IFC showing his passion for the cause.  All of Hong Kong’s fashion set arrived wearing flats (a definite first) to celebrate and become inspired by Blake’s “one for one” movement.  We sipped wine, feasted on mini sliders, checked out the ultra cool DIY display, and even had the opportunity to challenge Blake to a game of foosball.  Go to Lane Crawford IFC to check out the new collection of shoes and sunglasses, and make sure to purchase! Who doesn’t love fashion for a good cause?! 


October 9, 2012 0 comment
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