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cotton on

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H&M kimono, Cotton On knit top, Insight knit shorts available at Christing C. Boots courtesy of Asos.

Being handed a series of confusing thoughts, a list of uncertanties, wondering what to trust. My instinct is to run full speed ahead and contemplate the consequences on a later date, but finding yourself in a relatively new place opens the door for a questioning mind.  I value full hearted smiles, unrestricted laughter, unguarded loyalty, and genuine support.  Those close to my heart say I’m vulnerable, too quick to give and so easy to wound.  The truth is I find it impossible not to care, my instinct is always to help, and worries constantly plague my mind when I can’t turn around with out guessing what they may say.  But for now all I can do is stand tall, brave the daunting path, and hope I dont fall along the way.  Taking small steps until I find the courage to run.


July 30, 2012 0 comment
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