Uncategorized Blackbook written by ChristingC May 5, 2010 Mila Kunis in Blackbook I love the smoldering eyes and edgy black palette running through this editorial. The styling is slightly out of season, but seems far more appropriate in this freezing British spring. Blackbook was last modified: May 5th, 2010 by ChristingC Uncategorized 13 comments 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest ChristingC previous post i screamed the words until my heart was breathless next post the long road to success You may also like just sleepy May 25, 2011 lesson never learned March 13, 2011 i heart her April 29, 2009 just one still moment July 2, 2011 completely content November 3, 2010 she pauses for a passing thought… September 30, 2009 she celebrated in the spirit of red... February 14, 2010 escaping through the light July 21, 2011 something to keep October 29, 2010 constantly pressing go July 19, 2010